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Tips for writing a business trip report

A report of a business trip may be one of the simplest ways in which a company keeps track of the details of that trip. Expenses, responsibilities, achievement of objectives, etc. Therefore, the preparation of such reports is really important in companies with many employees who need to be followed up. Just as it can be for small businesses that need to ensure that the economic efforts invested actually pay off.

For the traveler, reporting on a business trip doesn't have to be a bad thing. Since can be a tool that shows your professionalism and how valuable you are for the company that employs you. Just get used to drafting them and it will become natural.

First, start by carrying a small Notepad, or an app that virtualizes this task on smartphones and PCs, for every business trip. This will be an important part of preparing to write a business trip report later on. Make sure it's one that you can carry in your pocket or purse. The important thing is that you can carry it with you at all times. Also get used to carrying a pen.

It is necessary to write down everything that is required as part of the trip report. Although each company will have different requests. Usually, write down all the outlays, even the unexpected ones. This must be done even if everything is done with the company's credit card. You may not be able to access your credit card files while you're doing the report, so it's better to be overprepared than not to be. If personal expenses are covered, write them down as well.

There are also technological platforms that can automate this task for you to record expenses and computerize the record directly.

You should also record the time you actually spend working (for example, at meetings or business lunches), the time you spent on the road, and the time you spent doing other business-related things along the way. If you receive a gift from the customer or partner, be sure to write down the description and the value of the gift (if known).

Now, once you've collected all your trip data, you can start writing your business trip report from the first day you're back. It is possible that your superior will give you a deadline for the report. But if we exceed the expectations of that deadline, doing so on arrival, it is always a positive thing.

The report must include the following elements:

  • Title
  • Date of the report
  • Your name and that of the company colleagues who accompanied you (if any)
  • Names of customers or partners you saw during the trip
  • Exact dates of each of the events of the trip accompanied by their description
  • Summary:
    • Key things you did for the company during the trip
    • Victories and Losses
  • Expenses and profits
    • Include a detailed list of expenses and profits earned during the trip
    • After listing the expenses, make a list of bullet points with all the reasons why the trip was successful and necessary

Make sure follow your particular company's policies regarding business travel reports. Each company will have their own requirements and formats. Here we have provided you with a format. Trust yourself and keep a balanced record that is both thorough and at the same time clear and easily interpretable, for the most effective business trip report.

Use digital tools to make your task easier

Nowadays we have many tools that can make it easier for us to make a business trip report.

From expense capture and collection platforms such as OKTicket or Captio, to others such as virtual notepads such as Google Keep, Evernote U Onenote.

We will also find useful task management tools such as Todoist or Notion.

Finally, the most important and specialized thing to save you work when managing a business trip, they would be platforms like our own, Vyootrip. Un system that will automate a lot of your trip processes and will allow you to provide a more direct expense report. Discover it here.

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