Business travel
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Travel Manager, what is your role?

El travel manager is the person who is responsible for managing, optimizing, and enforcing the company travel policy.

This policy is a set of rules that allows the company manage, control and optimize your business travel expenses, while maintaining the safety and comfort of travelers.

In them, and due to their high degree of involvement in the management of business trips, the travel manager has a very important role. What is their function? How does it influence travel policy?

The business travel manager must be fully aware of these rules contained in the travel policy, and know which people or positions can book a certain category of hotels, transports, etc. Having to apply these rules to the travel policy.

Therefore, you must apply these regulations to the management you carry out while at the same time acting as a consultant to your colleagues. Who can turn to him for advice on the application of the rules.

However, we should know that it is not always the travel manager who controls the application of spending policies by travelers. But instead, if you can evaluate whether they apply or not, gather information about why they don't apply and for what reasons. For example, during a trip to a foreign country where the cost of hotels or meals is much higher than average.

Travel policies are dynamic and evolve with changes in the company and the environment. Therefore, the travel manager must also know its application during trips and have a real view of these regulations. Evaluating and reviewing them throughout the year to provide their professional judgment. And from there, propose changes and improvements to be implemented.

The company's travel manager also collects both positive and negative opinions from travelers of their company, to take them into account when reviewing these policies.

Vyootrip — Tool to make work easier for travel managers

With our platform, travel managers save time in their work, allowing them to integrate their company travel policy, and providing their travelers with a booking tool that will allow them to be autonomous when it comes to traveling, while automatically complying with that policy.

The trip manager can have control of what all their travelers do in one place. As well as manage and monitor transactions, expenses, reservations, etc. at all times.

Learn more about the best tool for travel managers.

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