Business travel
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What to bring to a business trip

Organizing is important for business. Therefore, knowing what to take on a business trip is a fundamental point for professionals who embark on them so that no harm occurs because we have forgotten fundamental things that we should bring.

The preparation of a business trip requires real organization and doesn't leave much room for improvisation. In a few days, you'll have to make a series of appointments, possibly change countries, and you can't afford to leave anything to chance. Here are some tips to help you know what you should take with you on a business trip and what you need to consider.

Administrative Procedures

First of all, it is advisable to draw up a checklist of everything that needs to be done before the departure date. Once you have confirmed the dates of your stay, you can take care of the administrative part of the trip.

The first thing to check is, of course, your passport. You must first make sure that it is valid, as it will take some time to get a new one. Some destinations require that the passport be valid even 6 months after the return, so keep this in mind when looking for information.

Once your passport is ready, you may need a visa to travel. Depending on your destination, the length of your stay and the type of trip (business missions), some destinations require a visa. Each country has its own rules, if it is free or not, and if it is issued immediately upon arrival or must be done in advance at the embassy. It is up to you to inform yourself at least two months before departure, to be prepared for any eventuality.

Getting ready

When traveling for business, you should not forget that you are representing your company. Therefore, clothing is an aspect that should not be neglected. Choose dark, wrinkle-free clothing. Do not fold clothes, better roll them up. When you arrive at the hotel, most hotels have a dry cleaning service.

Remember to save all your reservations on your smartphone or print them out so you can keep them handy during your stay.


Also remember to prepare a complete and effective travel kit that will allow you to treat any minor injuries during your stay. If you travel to a faraway country, you are sure to suffer Jet Lag, which can affect your productivity. So any medication or remedy that can help you do this should be taken into account.

Pack your suitcase

When thinking about what to take on a business trip, even before packing, ask yourself what type of suitcase you should bring. To save time at the airport and avoid the risk of loss, you can carry only one hand suitcase. Traveling light will allow you to have much more mobility if you have to change accommodation several times. However, be careful, as this type of luggage requires careful preparation of your belongings, so that no contents are confiscated during security at the airport: sharp objects, large liquid containers, etc.

If you need more luggage, you'll need to bring a piece of hand luggage and a suitcase. In the suitcase you can put all your personal items. Your computer and business documents are in your hand luggage. It goes without saying that you have to bring some money. You may have to advance expenses, which will be reimbursed through bills, so don't waste them.

Put a bag in your luggage in which you store your plane ticket, postmen and business cards. For extra security, and if it's big enough, pack your suitcase too, in case it gets lost on the plane. Also, don't forget all the accessories you need for your phone, such as a cable, a spare battery or a charger, as well as for your computer. Also remember to put your presentation or essential files for the meeting on a USB stick.

In addition to your suitcase, your hand luggage must contain all the important documents you need to carry out your professional mission, as well as valuables such as your computer or tablet.

Once you've chosen your luggage, take a look at the weather forecast for the city you're going to to to prepare your clothes accordingly. If you already have a plan, adapt your outfits to the events you are going to attend: meetings, galas, fairs, etc.

Also remember to learn about the country's professional culture, as certain garments or colors may offend your business partners without you knowing it. If you inform yourself beforehand, you will avoid mistakes and you can even impress your contact by incorporating some local customs. A good starting point for negotiations

Some essential elements for the success of a professional mission

It is highly recommended that you carry photocopies of your identity documents, credit cards, visas, etc., that you keep them in a safe place, or better yet, that you scan them and save the backup copy on your laptop's hard drive or on a cloud platform. If you carry a computer, it is best that it does not contain personal information (strictly professional use). This way, in case of theft, the loss of your data will be limited.

Consider saving your company documents on different storage media, such as your computer, an external hard drive and some USB sticks. It's best to be wary of any eventuality: battery failure, problems opening the file, or other technical problems. Multiply the chances of success by backing up your data on different media. Also in the multimedia department, never leave your chargers and power adapter behind. Its two essential to be operational at all times.

To present yourself properly to your foreign counterparts, always carry business cards. The ritual of exchanging business cards is especially important in some parts of the world, such as in Asia. You can even create business cards especially for the occasion, in the local language. You can also impress your customers by bringing them treats with your company logo, or brochures or other communication materials that they can keep and study after the meeting.

You are now ready to go on a professional mission. Good business and have a good trip!

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