Since its inception, the business world has been linked to travel. Because of their need to establish business relationships in different geographical points.
For this reason, the business travel agencies emerged as a need and a specialization in the face of the high demand for business trips.
These agencies have gone through several stages, which we will briefly explain and summarize, and then describe the new one that is emerging now, and what benefits and innovations it brings to companies.
Business Travel Agency 1.0
Although in this first stage the tools were rudimentary, we can highlight the close and direct approach. Which has sometimes been lost in later stages.
The drawbacks of this stage, in which there are still many business travel agencies of the world, they are the poor optimization in prices, and the excessive time that the company wastes managing its trips. Since they usually have to exchange an average of 12 calls between the affected traveler, the staff of the company that manages the trips (HR or administration), and the agency itself. Making the process very inefficient.
Agencies 2.0: Digitalization
At this stage, agencies began to bring digital tools to optimize their processes. Making use of working with several providers over the internet, offering communication with their customers via email or WhatsApp, sending reservations in digital format, and other types of resources with which to make more use of the growing use of the internet.
At this point, many digital-only agencies emerged that improved competition in the sector.
Companies have benefited from this stage in price optimization, and in the convenience of being able to dispense with paper or calls to carry out their travel arrangements. But this was linked to the fact that sometimes the great benefit of the previous stage in terms of personal attention was lost. Since there has been a sin of excessive automation and robotization of systems.
Business Travel Agency 3.0: The Best of Both Worlds
In this new phase, not only are technological innovations brought, but these systems are once again providing the close and personal attention provided by 1.0 agencies.
These systems already provide the traveler with autonomy to make their reservations. How do they do it? With a platform that allows you to implement and configure business travel policies. Allowing company managers to set parameters that already filter directly to the traveler what type of hotels, flights, trains he can access. Thus complying with both its policies and its budgetary allocations.
The traveler would only have to search for the means or accommodation that suits them best and best suits their circumstances, as they would do on any digital travel portal. But, nevertheless, a filtered search would appear to the policies implemented previously.
In turn, the traveler has personal and telephone support at all times for any incident or request, and all the arrangements related to reservations available on his mobile phone to be able to access it quickly.
Managers are not only satisfied that their employees gain autonomy and can free themselves from this type of intermediation and tasks. But they can also have all kinds of reports on this platform to optimize their management.

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