Work meetings are an important part of the organization of business tripsand they are an increasingly frequent and necessary activity among company managers. Its purpose is based on closing possible agreements, collaborations and strengthening relationship ties between different companies.
Define the objectives
It must be made clear what the purpose of this meeting that we have convened is. explain the services of our product? Get a sale?
It is important to set some objectives and focus the visit on achieving them in order to have a good organization of business trips.
Plan your visit in advance
You must specify the topics to be discussed and inform all attendees. To do this, you can make a call at any online calendar to ensure that all attendees confirm their meeting and briefly explain the points to be addressed.
Try to see all the possible scenarios that could be addressed during the meeting and prepare something about each of them. This is perhaps the most important part of having a good business travel organization.
Select the people who will participate
The purpose of working meetings is to meet the objectives established a priori. Therefore, you must select the right people who will accompany you to the meeting.
When developing your organization of business trips It's important to be clear about who you're interested in sitting with. In other words, if we want to sell a business idea or a product to a company or group of companies, it would be advisable to have the right person with enough power to help you achieve your goal.

If instead you sit with another person profile, you may be making a mistake when it comes to presenting your idea, since it will not be heard by the right person.
Value time
Time is a key factor in work meetings. It is just as important to arrive at the scheduled time as it is not to extend the visit longer than scheduled.
Do not keep the other attendees waiting, as this will create a bad image of you and the beginning of the meeting will not be as desired.
In addition, the conversation time is important not to exceed it. Therefore, it would be advisable for you to schedule a time slot for each point of the meeting, so that we do not exceed the expected time and do not leave our established business travel organization.
Time is a very valuable thing that we should not waste. Therefore, any topic that goes out of schedule is best not to develop it and leave it saved for a future meeting.
The other attendees will have tasks to do once the meeting is over, so we must optimize the time and not miss our points.
Organization of business trips: During the meeting
Clothing, although not a factor that will determine whether a meeting is going to go well or badly, is an important detail that you must take care of.
Analyze what type of meeting you are going to have. Perhaps the meeting can be of an informal type and you don't need to wear a suit, and vice versa. Care must be taken of the small details that may also influence the course of the meeting.
In addition to the outfit, it would be advisable to carry your business card in perfect condition in case the people you meet request information about your contact.
Other details when it comes to having a good organization of business trips, although less important, would be the position in which you feel during the course of the meeting. Avoid positions that show tiredness, disinterest in a topic or idea of one of the attendees. Try to sit straight, close to the back of the chair and not lying on it.
Taking care of gestures is also a detail that is not usually taken into account but that conveys more than you think. Excessive hand movement, scratching, or touching the nose can be symptoms of nervousness and can be transmitted unconsciously to other attendees.
Don't go outside the established
As we have already mentioned, the time factor is very important. Not only at the time of arrival and departure, but during the course of the meeting.
Be clear about the objectives you defined for your organization of business trips, before the visit and keep them in mind when starting the conversation. It's important to focus on the ideas we had in our minds and to make the most of them.
Therefore, avoid any change of topic that you are not interested in addressing, since that will cause you to move away from the topic that you had mainly proposed. Of course, we don't have to be excessively abrupt. It is good to comment on any topic that the attendees have raised in order to create a good atmosphere at the meeting and strengthen ties.
Another factor with regard to time is speaking turns. It's a good idea for all attendees to avoid speaking at the same time. Respecting the shifts and ideas of others is important for good communication and fostering the meeting environment.
Resolve doubts
During the meeting, it is quite possible that any of the attendees will have questions about the topic you have proposed. It is important that you make clear what your idea is and try to resolve any doubts or “fight” against any objections that may exist.
Save all the information
It is possible that a number of important points will be addressed during the meeting. All of this generates a quantity of relevant information for possible future decisions.
Therefore, it is important that you make a report of the meeting, keeping a record of everything that has been said, in order to be able to continuously monitor the topics discussed.
Another tip for a good organization of business trips is that when taking notes and relevant information, you reflect everything important in a folder in the cloud, in order to avoid possible loss of information and everything that it entails.
We also offer you our free resource, a business travel schedule digital where you can sort all your notes related to the trip.
Monitoring of the treated points
Once the meeting is over, it is advisable to follow up on everything said, the decisions taken and implement those tasks necessary to achieve the objectives set.
A good way to ensure the evolution of these decisions is to draw up a calendar so that you can meet the agreed dates.
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