El Machine Learning (or machine learning) is a technology on the rise that is spreading to more and more fields. It is a branch of artificial intelligence that allows software systems to learn on their own and perform tasks autonomously without the need to be programmed.
In this article we will see how you can the Machine Learning help personalize the business traveler experience and automate certain tasks for companies in the sector.
How does machine learning help personalize the business traveler experience?
Machine learning saves time and money. All of this is possible by making sense of the data and offering recommendations. For example, a business traveler may receive, when looking for accommodation or transportation, multiple options based on previous trips they have made. Machine Learning is able to find recurring patterns in your preferences and behaviors, and then predict the best options that can meet both company policy and your needs. There's a lot of data, but humans can't process it manually. This is where Machine Learning comes into play.
How can it help companies?
Aside from the experience and well-being of employees who travel, it's also interesting in the context of spending. Because machine learning allows you to adjust spending authorizations according to different travel policies and countries.
It also plays a role in consolidating expenses. Since, nowadays, this process is usually done manually.
By automating and simplifying this task, errors are avoided and less money is lost.
Has the industry understood the challenges of machine learning?
Companies have understood the opportunities presented by machine learning, especially in terms of cost savings. But that doesn't mean they use it effectively. Because the way in which company systems have been built is very static, and it is often difficult to add a technological layer that allows us to analyze the data and generate recommendations.

Machine Learning on Vyootrip
Vyootrip is a business travel management platform born natively digital. This has allowed us to lay the foundations for growth and development of systems based on artificial intelligence.
Therefore, this is not only in the company's present. Providing travelers with the best providers and services, adapting them to their company policy, and optimizing their spending. If not, it is also in the plans for the near future. Because we want our systems to become increasingly aware of the needs and patterns of both a company and its travelers, so that the system learns on its own and optimizes all processes and expenses related to travel.
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